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Taoem Coggins


13th May 2022

Not only did they manage to arrange pick up/delivery and siting of my caravan within a few days, the quality of work and professionalism is second to none. With multiple transport companies used in the past, Its safe to say I will only be using this company going forward. Couldn’t recommend them more. The lane was extremely tight and was sited in an awkward spot, but nonetheless we was made to feel as though no job is too big or difficult for them. Lovely people and couldn’t fault them. Was turned down by 3 major companies due to how difficult the lane and the price was more than fair. Thanks very much. 5 stars from start to finish ⭐️

Neil Granger


26th January 2022

From the first point of contact with Paul we really liked his helpful and can-do attitude. He arranged the collection and transport of our new mobile home seamlessly. On the day of delivery Paul and his team calmly and professionally got it unloaded off the lorry and sited with ease. We really can’t recommend him enough. Thank you.

Frances Williams

17 de setembro de 2021

Serviço brilhante! Os caras moveram uma caravana de 40 pés e 7 toneladas para a posição exata que queríamos. Fiquei impressionado com a calma e eficiência de todo o processo, eles são obviamente especialistas em seu trabalho!

Louise Massey

16 de agosto de 2021

Recentemente, usei Paul e sua equipe para dividir, mover e instalar uma unidade gêmea construída em casa. Realmente não posso culpá-los, ótima comunicação, chegou conforme o planejado (mesmo tendo que fazer um monte de trabalho extra para dividi-lo para o transporte com segurança). Todos eles provaram ser muito simpáticos e profissionais. Paul então foi acima e além para colocar o lugar de volta em um estado habitável, colocando em um enorme turno de domingo, nada era demais! Espero não me mudar tão cedo, mas se eu precisar mudar minha unidade, voltarei 100% ao contato! Então, muito obrigado Paul & Co. Você definitivamente fez o que poderia ter sido uma situação realmente complicada, muito menos estressante!
Não posso recomendar o suficiente… Uma *** Empresa 💯

June Keeney

18 de agosto de 2020

Esses caras são brilhantes. Eles conseguiram mover minha cabine dupla em um prazo muito curto, armazenaram para mim por mais de um ano e depois a mudaram para meu novo local. Depois de guardar por tanto tempo, pensei que seria um pouco esfarrapado, mas estava em perfeitas condições e perfeitamente remontado, era como se eu nunca o tivesse deixado, obrigado novamente. Brilhante!!

Rose Coote


3rd June 2021

I would highly recommend this company for siting caravans . They arrived early and got everything in place for the caravan's arrival. Then with great care and precision guided it into place. They were very professional and friendly.

Paul Mears


18th February 2021

We required a mobile home to live in whilst we carried out a refurbishment project to our home. We live off a small lane and have a difficult site access. Paul of Essex Mobile Homes Siting done a fantastic job for us, firstly siting the mobile home at the beginning of our project and then again removing it from site when we were completed. I would highly recommend Paul and his team as they took all the stress out of the move and navigated our site conditions with ease.

Andy Beck


31st December 2020

Paul has clad my home in a beautiful sage green upvc cladding. He has done an excellent job. I can not praise his work highly enough. I would recommend his services

Rachel Heather


23rd February 2022

I just had my static van delivered yesterday all the way from Westow outside York by Paul. What an incredibly patient, professional and helpful man. He went to great lengths to get my van delivered having been let down. He pulled out all the stops and I can't thank him enough for his re assurance and determination to get this van to me. 100% recommend this Company.

John Rivers


25th January 2022

Paul and his team dismantled, moved and reassemble a 50x24 Stately Twin Unit for us. I was a bit worried how well it was going to go back together but they done an amazing job you wouldn't of even known it had moved. Many thanks

Emma McLean

16 de fevereiro de 2021

Excelente serviço desta empresa, já usei esta empresa algumas vezes, precisava que minha caravana fosse movida em um prazo muito curto e Paul conseguiu mudar sua agenda para me encaixar, muito atencioso e prestativo e um bom preço também! Ill estar usando seu serviço novamente!! Cliente muito feliz :-) Emma de Londres

David Ferris

27 de agosto de 2021

Paul e a equipe da Essex Mobile Homes fizeram um trabalho fantástico. Chegou a tempo, muitos conselhos úteis e um trabalho de classe A na localização da casa. Estes são os garotos que você precisa se estiver movendo um celular. Mas eles bebem muito chá.


Pat Campion

2 de fevereiro de 2021

OMG...... Trabalho fantástico, Paul e seus colegas fizeram o movimento da terra para completar o trabalho. Muito profissional e tinha o melhor equipamento, muito simpático e tinha muitos conselhos para os projetos futuros...... Obrigado novamente rapazes.

William George


10th March 2021

Professional, knowledgeable and helpful people. Split and move of a large unit(s). Definitely recommend them and will use again.

Hazel Longbourne


18th February 2021

Amazing job today - thank you all for your hard work. I thought the move was impossible but you overcame the challenges of a narrow lane, narrow gateway and steep slopes. All done with utmost professionalism and excellent equipment. Thanks guys.

Rod Kendrick


22nd November 2020

Top class service. My installation was not the easiest but Paul overcame every issue that arose and his experience really showed.

Steve BSB


4th February 2022

Simply can't praise Paul and this company highly enough ,thoroughly professional and courteous approach from quotation to completion , they did exactly what they said they would in every detail ,
I wish them every success in the future and have no hesitation in recommending them to other potential customers .

Sarah Harris

23 de setembro de 2021

Serviço absolutamente brilhante. Eles tomaram o maior cuidado por uma pista muito apertada e foram além para oferecer os melhores conselhos. Fui aconselhado a pegar um trator e rebocá-lo e, cara, estou feliz por não termos feito isso. Eu teria um problema de salvamento em minhas mãos em vez de um lindo celular, em seu devido lugar 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻 Muito obrigado e eu recomendo você!

Sian Glover

13 de maio de 2021

Equipe brilhante que são profissionais e muito eficientes. A entrega não foi simples devido às estradas extremamente estreitas e sinuosas com árvores suspensas e um pátio de fazenda estreito .... eles conseguiram como uma operação militar! Muito obrigado por nos trazer a caravana com segurança e rapidez, você certamente salvou o dia!


26 de março de 2021

Um excelente serviço todo! Muito útil e confiável tanto no telefone quanto pessoalmente. Paul veio ver ambas as extremidades da mudança antes do dia da mudança e deu muitos conselhos úteis. Rápido, mas ainda cuidadoso e profissional. Eu certamente recomendaria para quem pensa em usar os serviços do Essex Mobile Home Siting!

Josh Gore


28th June 2021

Very nice bloke to get along with, helped me out last minute due to being let down by previous company, willing to help with anything and gets on with the job. His work is 5 star and stands by what he says no matter when theres problems. Would highly recommend to anyone wanted there mobile moving.

Dean Evans-Turner


10th March 2021

Very good job, saved the day after being let down not once but twice by other companies

Emma McLean


16th February 2021

Excellent service from this company,I’ve used this company a couple of times now , I needed my Carvan to be moved at very short notice and Paul was able to change his schedule to fit me in, Very attentive and helpful and a good price too! I’ll be using his service again!! Very happy customer 😊 emma from London

Jo Walton


18th August 2020

I highly recommend paul for his services and the extra knowledgeable advice he also gave. His very reliable and good at what he does. He will move both single and twin mobile homes, I would definitely use him again when needed.

You're feedback is so important not only to us but helping future customers choosing a reputable company so they know there home is in safe hands.

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